Web Marketing - Making Your Content Work For You

Got Web content? If you have, you know that content equals traffic, which equals sales. However, you may not be getting as much out of your content as you could -- here are three vital tips which will help.

1. Size Matters: You Need Content to Become Visible
You've noticed that more and more businesses are flocking online: they're following their customers. This means that no matter what industry you're in, you've got more competition than you had last year, and you'll have more competition again next year.

Does that scare you?

It shouldn't, because here's the answer: use content to beat your competition.

On the Web, size matters. A content-rich site with 10,000 pages will get more organic, free traffic than a tiny site with just 50 pages.

Take a moment right now, and check out your competitors. How large are their sites? How many links do they have?

Once you've checked them, create a content marketing plan, but test your keywords first.

Here's how.

2. Use Pay Per Click to Test Keywords
The developers who sell keyword tools on the Web would like you to think that their tools are somehow magical: the keywords they deliver are all you need for success. This is not so. Here's your best keyword tool: it's right between your ears.

Before you check any keyword tool, look at your positioning statement for your site, and brainstorm keywords. Ask colleagues, friends and family members to help you to brainstorm too. (You'll be amazed at the results, I promise you.)

Any keyword tool you use (even Google's wonderful tool) is historical. It tells you what search query terms were used in the past. However, much of the traffic to your site arrives using unique query terms. By brainstorming regularly, and getting into the mind of your customers, you'll not only have a bank of keywords which delivers cash, but you'll also have unique content which will pay dividends for months and years to come.

Then, once you've got a bank of keywords, use Pay Per Click (PPC) to test and find your best converting keywords. When you create content using those "best" keywords, your content will work hard for you.

Here's how to make your content work even harder: use it to build relationships.

3. Content Builds Relationships: Use Email Marketing to Get Return Visits
Focusing on traffic which converts is essential for Web marketing, but your aim is to turn occasional visitors to your site into frequent visitors.

Strategies like email marketing, and social media marketing will bring you return visitors. Use your Web content repurposed, to create reasons for your visitors to keep coming back.

Author by: Angela Booth

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