10 Things To Look For While Getting A General Insurance
But, before applying for a general insurance there are certain things that you should consider.
- Be extremely careful that you do not sacrifice the coverage in order to save money. Thus, it is ideal for you to raise your yearly premiums because they are too high, but ensure that you know what kind of option you are signing up for.
- It is important too look for the general insurance company's financial ratings because it will ensure that the company will help you out when you need them the most. Research on the Internet about the company can help you to solve this matter.
- Check whether earlier policy holders have faced any kind of problems or not. Check for the complaint records that will help you in your decision making process.
- Different general insurance companies have different underwriting guidelines, so if one company rejects your application others will take it. Agents are the best persons who are aware of the requirements of each company. However, even for them predicting underwriter actions are not always possible.
- Always take policies from duly licensed and authorized policy agents because there are lots of agents in the market who are selling fake insurance policies.
- Also ensure that the company from where you are applying for the insurance policy number is genuine and has the license to do business in the state where you live in.
- Before you take up a policy make sure that you clear up concerns beforehand. Certain things like whether your health insurance plan covers overseas medical expenses or not, also whether it provides rental car facility for everyday traveling.
- Find out the ways through which your insurer will service your claims. Check whether the insurer will provide online support or not, in case of any emergency outside the place where you reside.
- Also check for general insurance companies which allow its customers to have a free look for 30 days or so. This will help the customers to get an insight about the pros and cons of the policy and then decide whether to take it or leave it.
- Go online and check for various companies that are providing general insurance policies and get the best one.
Author by: Ruth Caldon
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5666516
5 Top Business Books That Changed My Life
You know, mistakes hurt only when you repeat them over and over. So, learning something new, from someone who has what you want, gets way better results.
At some point you also have to ask yourself, "is it possible to get better results by learning on purpose instead of by accident?" Yes. "Is it possible that there are things you don't know yet?" And, the answer is yes. "Is it possible that there's some things that you know that aren't necessarily so?" The answer is also... yes.
Based on many years of struggling and trying it my way, I decided to learn a little bit about how other people achieved success. And that's when I started becoming a learn-it-all instead of a know-it-all.
Only when you choose to learn on purpose can you attract the best kind of learning experiences, the ones that actually get great results. Here are the 5 top business books that I used to get real world results. Many people may not think of these books as being business books, but I applied the lessons to business and achieved business results, that's all that really matters, isn't it?
Counting down the top five...
5. "The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho" - This was the first "real learning" book I had ever read since University. It is a simple story about a Shepherd boy who, one day, takes it upon himself to explore the world in seek of fame and fortune. And while the boy meets with many challenges, they are all learning experiences which eventually led him to the very treasure he set out to find.
When I read this book, I was already a few years into my journey with Tinnitus: a loud ringing in the ears. I was struggling and depressed. This book was simple enough for me to grasp the main concept which is; if you never take a risk in life, things will never get better. But if you are willing to take the risk and learn something, then the journey will unfold the way it's supposed to; perfectly and in its own good time.
4. "The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale" - In this book Joe outlines five steps to attracting anything you want in life. He does it in such a way as to make it simple enough for even the most poorly programmed and skeptical person to grasp. And believe me, I was more than skeptical. However, because there was only 5 steps, I figured it couldn't be that difficult to learn. And, as it turns out, these five steps helped me create incredible results in just about every area of my life, including financial. The final step, "The Law of Detachment," taught me a lot about how to truly manifest big results. If you don't know this law, then Google an article that I wrote called, "How to Practice the Law of Detachment."
3. "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind" - by T. Harv Eker - Yes, I agree that some people don't like the way that Harv talks about wealth. I also agree that his methods could be perceived as radical and unconventional. I also agree that some people believe he's arrogant and overconfident. However, do results matter? Yes, in my opinion, that's all that matters. I've followed his methods now for several years. I've taken some of his training courses. In fact, one training course that I took, even though it was at the time extremely out of reach financially, I did it anyway, and earned my money back in one night.
When I read this book I really felt as if Harv was talking just to me. Sure, he's not that nice about it. He basically jumps out of the pages, grabs you by the neck shakes you a little bit and starts to get you to see wealth from a different perspective. Some people don't like that. But not liking something, doesn't always mean it's not good for you. Believe me, I have literally made millions off of one Harv Eker Seminar and if it weren't for the book I would've never decided to take that course.
2. "The Pilgrimage" by Paulo Coelho - Yes, this is the same person that wrote the Alchemist my number five pick. After reading this book, I felt compelled from a deeper level to pick myself up out of my miserable situation and walk across Spain on the Camino de Santiago. The book and the journey made me realize the number one trick to getting what you want in life; stop trying to figure out how you will get there. In fact, every time I tried to speed up on the Camino, the universe just pushed back.
So if you're trying to get to where you want fast, you may actually miss the part that matters; living and discovering. And when I gave up my strict schedule, the universe opened up and delivered me better results faster. Funny how that works, isn't it? The more you slow down the faster you will achieve. To most people this would not make sense. That's why you need to read the book and maybe even walk the Camino de Santiago. Sure, it's 850 km. And your excuse might be, "you don't have time." And that is the number one reason why you will never get there. Because, if time is your excuse, then ask yourself, "do I honestly have time for the things in life that really matter? Like RESULTS?
1. And my number 1 best business book that changed my life is;
"Ask and It Is Given" by Jerry and Esther Hicks - While some may call this book spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I would call it "the secret." I have read this book so many times and have incorporated so many of their beliefs and exercises into my life that I literally created a new me. And, I like the new me way better than the old me. While the old be would say, "I've got better things to do." The new me would say, "better things require me to do something." While the old me would say, "I hate rich and successful people, " the new me would say, "I admire rich and successful people." While the old me would say, "money is hard to come by," the new me would say, "money comes to me easily and effortlessly." I think you get the idea.
This is a book about reprogramming your beliefs. Are you always right? If so, and your results don't prove it, then you need some new beliefs. Being right and getting what you want in life are two different things. Only when you open yourself up to knowledge and experiences can you actually learn anything. You can be right or you can have what you want, but you can't have both. In business, making yourself right, makes someone else wrong. And that is why you may never win. Only when you learn that results are co-created for the benefit of everyone, will you truly understand a thriving business. Help someone else get what they want first, and you will have what they have in abundance.
I just want to say a quick thank you to each of these authors for their life-changing words and information. I am pretty certain that without reading these books, I would not be in the position that I am today. Like Brian Klemmer says In his book, "If How-To's Were Enough, We'd All Be Skinny Rich and Happy." It takes more than just "how-to's" to get what you want.
You have to learn to be deeply committed to your strongest intentions. Otherwise, there will be many intentions competing for your attention. Most people live a life of activities and distractions. Only deep commitment to learning and experiencing new things will lead you to what you truly want. I trust that these five books when read, understood and implemented, will reveal many secrets to creating the results you seek.
Tips for Writing a Business Book
If you are running a business and believe that a book can help to promote your business, plan the work carefully and be prepared to dedicate time and effort to the project. If time is a serious constraint, consider hiring a ghostwriter to reduce the burden on you. If you have a service-oriented business, you may find that much of the content already exists in presentations, proposals, blog articles, workshop outlines, procedure manuals and other materials commonly used in the business.
Don't be tempted to simply throw together ready-to-use content like a batch of blog articles and publish that as a book. As a series of blog articles, each one is potentially useful and interesting to a group of readers. A book serves a bigger purpose and it is crucial to make sure that the content delivers on that purpose. Using existing content in a book requires that you transform and even rewrite the content along with additional information not previously provided. A published compendium of blog articles will make a poorly received business book.
Research other books in your category to make sure you are not about to invest a lot of time and effort only to duplicate what already exists. Finding other books in your category doesn't mean that you should not proceed with your book. What it means is that you must ensure that your book has a unique perspective or different method for accomplishing something, other than the norm as described in other books or as experienced in business practice. You may have unique intellectual property that you are sharing with others, or an improved method based on your experience.
Essentially, your must find a compelling reason for someone to buy the book. Clarify for them how their business will improve, grow, or become more profitable after learning what you have to share. Before you begin writing, develop a simple summary to help clarify your book's value proposition. Start with the subject of the book - what is the book about? Clarify the purpose and outcomes that a reader should expect from reading it. These benefits will be the primary reason for someone to buy the book. Finally, identify your target market - who is the specific audience for the book?
Armed with this information, your writing efforts will be focused correctly and you can easily determine the appropriate content and the optimal approach and writing style for communicating it. The book will help you to share a lot more of your true value to potential customers. Make sure that it represents your business with the highest quality and integrity to protect and promote your brand. You already know your business value, now make a plan for your book and write on!
Author by: Patrick Smyth
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8793698
7 Business Books Worth Reading
Purple Cow
Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow, is considered by many to be THE business guru. This book was one of my first business book purchases. It was great starting point when I first opened my business because it got me to begin thinking about different ways to run my business and set myself apart from my peers. I would highly recommend this book to any new business owner, though I'm not sure it would be as beneficial to a long-standing business owner.
The Complete Artist's Way
A few years ago I was feeling stifled... uninspired. I was looking for something to help me reconnect with my inner creative, which led me to purchasing this book. It gets you thinking about yourself, who you are, and who you want to be. There are journal writings and all kinds of things to encourage and stimulate your creative process.
Fast Track Photographer
This book was my first photography book purchase. Dane Sanders is a wonderful teacher, photographer, and man. I have a great deal of respect for him and I found his book to be very helpful. This book really got me thinking about the bigger picture. Not just my business but my whole life. I realized that as a woman who wants to be a mother I want to know that I run my business and that my business doesn't run me. This book helped me to evaluate exactly what I want to do with my photography and how I want to run my business. I have found it to be an incredibly helpful resource.
Luminous Portrait
I adore this book! Elizabeth Messina is easily one my photography idols. I adore her style, spirit, and shooting methods. Elizabeth is also a natural light and lifestyle photographer who believes in capturing the light within her subjects, which is my method of shooting as well. I loved reading about her philosophies, method, and technique for shooting and creating beautiful and emotive imagery.
Word of Mouth Marketing
As a small business owner, one of your biggest forms of business is through word of mouth. Andy Sernovitz talks about companies like Apple and TiVo, companies that are incredibly well known and get most of their business due to buzz and the praise from their consumer base. The author discusses reasons people talk about you as well as ways to get the kind of word of mouth marketing you need for your business to thrive.
The Art of Children's Portrait Photography
Tamara Lackey is not only one of my favorite photographers, she is also one of my favorite people. I had the insane pleasure of meeting Tamara in person and she is truly a wonderful individual and incredibly skilled at family and children portraiture. When Tamara has books or courses for sale, I tend to purchase them because I always find something beneficial to learn from her. The Art of Children's Portrait Photography was incredibly insightful for me as I was learning how to interact with children to get the types of portraits I wanted to create. This book really helped me to understand the different types of personalities in kids and how to work with them in my job.
Worth Every Penny
I was a member of The Joy of Marketing for several years, and as a member I was lucky enough to get a first look at this book by Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck. Worth Every Penny is brilliant for any boutique business owner. It gives great insights into how to build a strong brand and marketing campaign, as well as pricing structures that would best benefit a boutique business model. There is a variety of information in this book that has helped me build my business into what it is today.
I hope that you have found some books here that you might want to add to your reading list. Education is key to staying on your A game and to keep your business moving forward. Each of these books has played a huge role in developing my business into what it is today, and I highly recommend each of them to any entrepreneur.
Author by: Stephanie Gagnon
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8358197
Multiple Streams Income
If your income is just one or two streams instead of multiple streams income what are you going to do to supplement what you have? Part time work is available but is that what you want to do after retirement? I sure don’t. I want to be in charge of my time and income not some big box store. That probably sounds arrogant to some of you but I want something better than a part time job that dictates my hours and income.
Internet marketing can provide both income and the freedom to work the hours you want. It doesn’t mean you won’t have to put in the hours just that you will be in control of what those hours are.
Internet marketing covers a huge arena of possible income streams. It can be as simple as selling on Ebay or as technical as Affiliate marketing. It is possible to develop multiple streams income using the internet because you don’t have to limit yourself to one type of marketing. Many people do affiliate marketing in conjunction with email marketing or one of the many other types available. The possibilities are endless.
As always this freedom to determine your income and hours comes at a price. You have to learn how to do the marketing. There are self taught people making a good income from internet marketing but I prefer to profit from others knowledge and mistakes. There are some very good internet marketing training companies out there. Stay away from the ones offering get rich schemes. Instead seek out a company that has a proven track record. One that charges a reasonable fee for it’s services and doesn't try to lock you into a long term contract.
The number of retirement age people entering this market is growing by leaps and bounds. You don’t have to be a computer whiz either. If you are reading this article you have enough knowledge to enter the internet marketing arena. Take control of your retirement and your life. If you have to supplement your income do it on your terms not that of a big box store.
The Best Big Phones Available to Buy Today

Phones have been getting larger, looking to bring you more of what you love: a bigger, better experience. They have become devices designed to give you the ultimate in entertainment, the ultimate in productivity, the ultimate smartphone experience in a package to easily take with you on the move. The time has come: arise the phablet.
Phablet (noun): A smartphone having a screen size that is intermediate between a typical smartphone and a tablet.
Phablets have fought their way into a space of their own, a hinterland of temptation. The definition of a phablet is still something of a grey area: we would say the Xperia Z3 and the Galaxy S5 don't fall into this category despite the relative body and screen size they offer, they are smartphones; equally, the Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue or the Asus Fonepad are too big and we class those as tablets, even though they make calls.
Should you be drawn in and go big, or stick with the pocketable? Here we run through your phablet choices, so if you've decided to go big, you've come to the right place. There will undoubtedly be more large-screen devices in 2015 - but here we round-up the best phablet devices 2014 based on what we've reviewed in full.
10. Sony Xperia Z Ultra
The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is a strange device. It's a technological marvel in many ways, delivering a huge 6.4-inch Full HD (344dpi) screen experience, with plenty of power in a package that's skinny and waterproof. On the other hand, that screen will be far too big for many to conventionally use as a phone.
If it's size that matters, however, then the Sony delivers it with a device that measures 179 x 92 x 6.5mm and weighs 212g. It's been around for a while now though, and with an update rumoured in the form of the Xperia Z4 Ultra, it might be worth waiting to see if a new device in early 2015 will be even thinner and lighter.
Inside is a powerful, but not top-of-class Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with 2GB of RAM. The display is very good and it supports pens and pencils for input, so you can just pick one up and start scribbling. The software isn't as sophisticated as the Galaxy Note 4's S Pen stylus support, but as a multimedia device, the Xperia Z Ultra really does deliver.
You'll either love the concept of a phone bigger than your head or you won't, and that's the bottom line here. The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is a marvel, but a marvel that might be limited in appeal.
FULL REVIEW: Sony Xperia Z Ultra review
DEALS: Sony Xperia Z Ultra best deals
9. Oppo N1
Of all the phones we've handled we've never been approached by so many members of the public to ask about what we're using. The Oppo N1 caught peoples' eyes and stood out as the different, alternative phone that it genuinely is.
There's no stock Android though - it's either Oppo's own ColorOS Android-based system or the open-source CyanogenMod, which is like an open-source Android re-skin. If the idea of the latter system sounds scary, then fear not as it's a lot like using Android 4.3 and it works a treat. Add to that a decent 5.9-inch 1080p IPS screen, a quirky rotational camera that's of genuine use, solid design and fair price and the N1 gives us a lot to love.
The S600 processor at the N1's core isn't the most up to date and the device itself is a little dated now too, with the Oppo N3 already confirmed for 2015.
The N1 has a lot going for it, even if it does come from a brand that many Westerners will look at and say "what?". It's like the hipster of phones; a positively different device that, while it won't suit all, doesn't offer 4G, and isn't the most powerful on the market, we grew to love over time.
FULL REVIEW: Oppo N1 (CyanogenMod) review
8. Nokia Lumia 1320
The Nokia Lumia 1320 looks to offer the best of both the size and value worlds to those that want a large display and 4G connectivity, but don't have the cash to spend the best part of £500 or more for the privilege.
It offers a high quality build, despite its low price point, and while the camera isn't Nokia's best, there is a good battery life on board, along with a great apps suite. For many, this phablet will tick a number of boxes, especially for those wanting a big Windows Phone 8.1 handset.
The Lumia 1320 packs a 6-inch 1280 x 720 LCD display (245ppi), Qualcomm S4 processor, 1GB of RAM and a 5-megapixel rear snapper - so it might not be as high-specced as others in this list, but it has limited competition at this end of the phablet market and it gives users huge amounts for their money.
As a value prospect, the Lumia 1320 is great. It offers decent build quality, amazing battery life, enough power to keep most people will be happy and 4G connectivity. It's a shame that a screen of this scale is the limited resolution that it is but for the £229 price tag, it's a phablet that is worth considering.
FULL REVIEW: Nokia Lumia 1320 review
DEALS: Nokia Lumia 1320 best deals
7. Samsung Galaxy Note 3
The Samsung Galaxy Note really kicked off the phablet craze, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 takes the format and continues to refine it. In this 2013 model, there's a cracking 5.7-inch display offering a 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, giving you 386ppi. It's packed into a frame that measures 151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3mm, making it one of the most compact phablets around.
Some might not like the faux leather back, but you can peel that off and swap it out, as well as access the internals to expand the storage or change the battery. There's ample power, thanks to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset and 3GB of RAM, meaning that everything is slick and smooth in operation. Samsung hasn't ignored the screen space on offer either, giving you innovative features via the S Pen stylus to help keep you productive.
You get a lot with the Note 3, and now that it has been replaced with a newer model in the Note 4 (see higher up this list), the originally premium price has dropped a little. The Note 3 gives you a lot of phablet goodness, but it sits in the shadow of the newer device.
FULL REVIEW: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review
DEALS: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 best deals
6. Nokia Lumia 1520
When it comes to Windows Phone 8 devices there is no better big handset on the market: the 1520 is certainly the best large Lumia we've used to date.
Standout features include the brilliant 6-inch IPS screen, complete with 1920 x 1080 resolution, a great camera, and ample power from the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor and 2GB of RAM.
It may be huge, but if that's exactly what you're looking for then the first Windows Phone phablet is also a huge success and a fantastic phone that can sit proudly in among its phablet peers. The Lumia 1320 (see lower down this list) might offer more appeal because of the price, but if you're after the ultimate phablet experience, then the 1520 delivers.
FULL REVIEW: Nokia Lumia 1520 review
DEALS: Nokia Lumia 1520 best deals
5. OnePlus One
The OnePlus One might not be a name you have heard of before but it's worth taking note because this 5.5-inch device not only delivers a similar experience to what you would expect from a high-end smartphone, but it does so at less than half the price.
It's not the easiest phablet to buy, given an invite is needed to get your hands on one, but if you do manage to find one, you'll get a good screen, solid build, loads of power and ample battery life for the £230 asking price.
The OnePlus One isn't an Android phone in the traditional sense, running on CyanogenMod, like the Oppo N1, which may put some off. You also get a 13-megapixel rear snapper, 1920 x 1080 IPS display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and 3GB of RAM, so its specs are nothing to be frowned at. However, some 4G bands in the UK aren't supported, so it comes with a caveat.
The OnePlus One is an amazing device for the price and although the difficulty of obtaining one is one of its downfalls, it also makes it more alluring. If the One retailed for £450 with a more recognisable brand name stamped onto its rear, it would be snapped up from the shelves.
FULL REVIEW: OnePlus One review
4. Huawei Ascend Mate 7
The Huawei Ascend Mate 7 is no small device by any stretch of the imagination, with a 6-inch screen making it one of the largest phablets on this list. But the Chinese manufacturer has used a clever, solid design to ensure this large handset is still a useable one.
It offers a brilliant battery life, excellent fingerprint scanner, premium metal build and its huge screen means it gives you everything you would want from a phablet in terms of that bigger experience. The physical size of the Ascend Mate 7 could be an issue for some but it's big meets beautiful and we can see where the "Mate" name comes from.
Some of its key features include a 13-megapixel rear camera, 5-megapixel front snapper, an octa-core Kirin 925 processor, 2GB of RAM and a 4100mAh battery, along with a 1920 x 1080 resolution display to deliver a pixel density of 368ppi.
The Huawei Ascend Mate 7 is one giant phone but it offers a premium design flair, ample performance and a battery life that will last for many hours of use. Huawei is catching up with the current front-runners and will be marching its way into more Western pockets over coming months and years based on this kind of performance.
FULL REVIEW: Huawei Ascend Mate 7 review
3. Apple iPhone 6 Plus
The Apple iPhone 6 Plus marks the Cupertino company's first step into the phablet world with a 5.5-inch screen to give iOS users after a bigger display option, rather than force them into Android or Windows Phone territory.
Measuring 158.1 x 77.8 x 7.1mm and weighing just 172g, it is lighter and thinner than the majority of its competition but it isn't cheap, starting at £619. Although you get fantastic build quality and a bigger battery than the smaller iPhone 6, you don't get stylus support like with Samsung's Note devices.
It features Apple's latest A8 processor, a 1920 x 1080 resolution display and a beautiful aluminium build that comes complete with the Touch ID fingerprint reader. It might not fit in your back pocket but it's a great device, which is lucky as for iOS lovers who want a big screen but don't want to switch operating systems, the iPhone 6 Plus is your only option. Recent developments have seen the iPhone 6 Plus make more of a case for itself, with support for Full HD Netflix, for example.
The iPhone 6 Plus is certainly one for the power users and those looking for a big screen experience. It's a pricey handset but you get a good looking, powerful phone for your bucks and for that niche that wants to have it all Apple and all over the big screen, then the iPhone 6 Plus is there for you.
FULL REVIEW: Apple iPhone 6 Plus review
DEALS: Apple iPhone 6 Plus deals
2. LG G3
The LG G3 kicked off a new breed of phablets when it launched in May with a Quad HD 5.5-inch display that stuck a perfect balance between smartphone and phablet, offering a smartphone's great design but the advantage of a phablet's big screen.
It offers an impressive camera, beautiful sharp and crisp display, along with a plenty of power at a competitive price. The plasticky design was a disappointment for some and its battery life is questionable at times, but the LG G3 is a brilliant compromise for those looking for a big screen without a massive footprint to go with it.
Aside from the 2560 x 1440 display that offers a pixel density of 538ppi, the LG G3 boasts a 9.3mm slim build, 153g weight to make it one of the lightest phablets around, and it is also one of the most powerful with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and 3GB of RAM under the hood.
The G3 represents LG at the top of its game. This is an excellent device that will make LG's mark known in the smartphone world once again and the phablet one too. The Quad HD display, great design, impressive camera and below-£500 price point make this a device that won't disappoint, especially for those sitting on the phablet fence that can't decide if bigger really is better.
DEALS: LG G3 best deals
1. Samsung Galaxy Note 4
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 represents the most crucial big-screen device from the Korean company for a couple of years and perhaps even the most crucial smartphone in its line-up too.
Well and truly knocking the Note 3 off the top spot, the Note 4 is a fantastic device that is a rare example of a phone that not only does shed loads, but does it all so well. The 5.7-inch 2560 x 1440 Super AMOLED display is a marvel, while the power, features and battery life all contribute to making this the best phablet we have reviewed so far.
The built-in S Pen is one of its most commendable attributes, but the Note 4 and its 153.5 x 78.6 x 8.5mm footprint also offer a fingerprint scanner, heart rate monitor, the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 chip, 3GB of RAM and a 3220mAh battery to help it reach number one in the phabletarena.
The Note 4 exists in its own world thanks to S Pen stylus integration and a heap of additional features as a result. No other 5.7-inch screen looks better and even if the competition is beginning to knock at its door, the Note 4 can sit back on its throne with its feet up knowing it's done all the hard work. Put simply the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 rules.
FULL REVIEW: Samsung Galaxy Note 4 review
DEALS: Samsung Galaxy Note 4 best deals
Web Marketing - Making Your Content Work For You

1. Size Matters: You Need Content to Become Visible
You've noticed that more and more businesses are flocking online: they're following their customers. This means that no matter what industry you're in, you've got more competition than you had last year, and you'll have more competition again next year.
Does that scare you?
It shouldn't, because here's the answer: use content to beat your competition.
On the Web, size matters. A content-rich site with 10,000 pages will get more organic, free traffic than a tiny site with just 50 pages.
Take a moment right now, and check out your competitors. How large are their sites? How many links do they have?
Once you've checked them, create a content marketing plan, but test your keywords first.
Here's how.
2. Use Pay Per Click to Test Keywords
The developers who sell keyword tools on the Web would like you to think that their tools are somehow magical: the keywords they deliver are all you need for success. This is not so. Here's your best keyword tool: it's right between your ears.
Before you check any keyword tool, look at your positioning statement for your site, and brainstorm keywords. Ask colleagues, friends and family members to help you to brainstorm too. (You'll be amazed at the results, I promise you.)
Any keyword tool you use (even Google's wonderful tool) is historical. It tells you what search query terms were used in the past. However, much of the traffic to your site arrives using unique query terms. By brainstorming regularly, and getting into the mind of your customers, you'll not only have a bank of keywords which delivers cash, but you'll also have unique content which will pay dividends for months and years to come.
Then, once you've got a bank of keywords, use Pay Per Click (PPC) to test and find your best converting keywords. When you create content using those "best" keywords, your content will work hard for you.
Here's how to make your content work even harder: use it to build relationships.
3. Content Builds Relationships: Use Email Marketing to Get Return Visits
Focusing on traffic which converts is essential for Web marketing, but your aim is to turn occasional visitors to your site into frequent visitors.
Strategies like email marketing, and social media marketing will bring you return visitors. Use your Web content repurposed, to create reasons for your visitors to keep coming back.
Author by: Angela Booth