Tax rebate check or economic stimulus check can be a wonderful thing to receive, especially when it is unexpected. This stimulus may help you a lot by cutting down your income tax by a substantial amount. Over the years there have been several income tax changes which have induced the income tax rebate for the benefit of the taxpayers.
The economic stimulus check pays you over a period of several weeks by sending you checks on different dates according to the last two digits of your social security number. If you had paid electronically then the amount would straight away get deposited in your bank account that you had utilized to pay or deposit the tax. If you had submitted you tax via mail then your tax rebate would be paid to you via the regular U.S. mail and not by any other method. However, if you are yet to pay your taxes then you would have to wait for your rebate check until the day you file your taxes.
The general rate of tax rebate is $600 for individual taxpayer and $1200 for every married couples filing jointly, however, there is no guarantee that you would receive the stimulus check. Several factors such as back taxes owed or unpaid student loans may turn off the rebate and you may suffer if you have back taxes that you need to pay as soon as possible. You must clear all your dues to claim the economic stimulus check.
You must be aware of phishing scams that are set out through various websites to lure you to reveal your personal and banking information. There are many sites that may want you to fill out forms claiming they would give you your check. However, you must always avoid such mails and never reveal your personal and banking information to these websites. You can also use antivirus and anti-phishing software that would protect you from these cheating sites.
All in all to be granted a rebate you must be aware of your choices. Never accept any invitation from unknown sites. Keep your banking information to yourself then you would get a chance to claim the check. The official IRS website may guide you further if you have problems but you must concentrate on your paying your taxes o time to avail the economic stimulus check. This economic stimulus would give you a boost to save your future and move ahead in life.
Author by: Elijah James
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