Make Money Online - Turn a Simple Web Site Into an Income Stream

If you want to make money online, one of the simplest ways is by turning a simple Web site into an ongoing income stream. Here's an easy process to follow for success.

Start by choosing a money-making topic for your site. Money-making topics tend those things you can kick - that is, physical items. For example, digital cameras, real estate, or cosmetics.

When you create a site based on a physical product, not only do your chances of making sales from the site go up, but so do your chances of turning even the slightest trickle of traffic (as you'll have when your site is new) to profit.

Once you've chosen the products on which you want to focus, buy a domain name, and get some hosting.

Once you've got your domain name, and have purchased some hosting, just follow these four steps.

1. Set up a site and blog
I like to set up both a site and a blog at the same time. Blogs tend to be indexed by the search engines more quickly than straight sites, so a site's blog will start getting traffic almost immediately.

Just set up your blog in a "blog" subdirectory of your site, and link it to your site. Installing WordPress is the easiest way - most hosting providers have one-click installs for WordPress.

2. Add some content
Next, add some content to both the site, and the blog. Five or so pages is fun in the beginning.

3. Start your monetization - Google AdSense is quick and easy
Now it's time to start the money-making process. Add some Google AdSense income to the blog. This will bring in some income.

4. Add additional income streams
Add more content to the site and blog, and join a couple of affiliate networks. There are hundreds of these networks online. Which you choose, depends on the topic of your site. The eBay Partner Network will suit almost any site you create.

So there you have four steps to turning the simplest Web site into an income stream.

Author by: Angela Booth

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