5 Travel Insurance Myths You Should Ignore

Family holiday insurance is something that should be considered essential when you go on holiday overseas. Without it, you could find yourself in serious difficulties should one of your family require medical or hospital treatment. It can also be very convenient if you lose personal items or have to cancel any component of your trip. However, there are a number of myths that could affect which policy you choose, so you should be aware of these before you travel.


1. All Policies Are the Same
If you think that all family holiday insurance policies are the same, think again. Although many contain similar types of cover, such as for medical assistance and trip cancellation, they can differ enormously. Some may provide cover for certain medical conditions, some may have age restrictions, some may only have the most basic level of cover, and there are many other differences between them. That is why it is so important to choose your policy carefully.
2. You Only Need an EHIC
There is a misconception that an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) is all you will need if you travel to a European country. Although it can be useful, it is not a replacement for comprehensive family holiday insurance. It only covers medical care, and it does not provide repatriation should you need a medical team to transport you home, which could cost thousands of pounds. So by all means take your EHIC, but don't use it as a substitute for a full policy. 
3. Single-Trip Is Always Cheaper than Multi-Trip
Although it is usually the case that single-trip cover is cheaper than multi-trip cover for one trip abroad, it is not always the case because it depends upon the provider. In addition, it may turn out to be less expensive to get a multi-trip policy if you plan to travel abroad a few times in the same year.
4. Minor Medical Conditions Do Not Need to Be Declared
Even if you only have a minor medical condition, you should still declare this when you buy your policy. It may be that your cover will not be affected, but this is up to the provider. If your insurer does not provide cover for your condition, you may need to buy extra to ensure you will be able to get financial assistance should you require medical attention.
5. It Is Too Expensive and Too Complicated
These days, a good policy is not only very simple to arrange but it can also be a lot less expensive than you imagine. Check out some online providers and you will soon see that it is very easy to arrange cover. 
Try to ignore these common myths when you buy your family holiday insurance policy this year. Instead, focus on looking for a policy that is absolutely suitable for you and your family, and provides you with everything you need - so you can focus on enjoying yourself rather than worrying about what could go wrong.

Author : Patrick Chong

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