Web Marketing - 5 Easy Ways to Make More Sales

You've got a Web site, but you're disappointed that you're not making sales. How do you get traffic to your site, and convince people to buy once they arrive? The answer's simple, and consists of two words.

Read on to discover what they are.

These days, with billions of Web pages online, and many millions of sites, it's harder to get attention than it used to be. However, people look for information on the Web 24x7, and if you can give them what they want, you'll get attention, and you'll make sales.

Here are two words to remember: Be There. That is, be available, encourage interaction, and you'll make sales.

Let's look at five easy ways you can be there.

1. Create a Blog: Be Real, and Be Human
Many businesses believe that blogging won't help their business, because ______ (fill in the blank with your reason.)

If you believe this, let me ask you two questions: "Do you want more traffic? Do you want more sales?"

Did you answered "Yes" to both questions, you need a blog. Your blog may not look like an online journal. Few business blogs do. It may just look like a part of your site which gets traffic which converts to sales.

The point of a blog on your site is that it engages your visitors and turns them into customers.

2. Answer Customer Questions on the Blog
A blog's power is derived from Really Simple Syndication (RSS.) This syndication is built into blogs, and it means that blog postings can appear on sites which syndicate news (Google Blogs, Technorati, and many others), within minutes.

Contrast this instant syndication with getting a Web page indexed so that it appears in the search query results -- it can take days, even if your site is well-established, and months, if your site is new.

This instant-publication feature of a blog make it an ideal solution to responding to customer and pre-sales questions.

3. Create a Twitter Account to Promote Special Offers
As well as a blog, your business needs a Twitter account. Many businesses use their blog in tandem with Twitter to respond to customer questions. However a very common use for Twitter accounts is to use them for special promotions. For example, the site Adore Beauty asks customers to tweet their Wish List: customers can win items on the list.

4. Add More Content to Your Web Site
Content counts. Every page on your site is an opportunity to be found in the search engines, so build up the content on your site for more traffic and sales.

5. Keep Your Web Content Fresh
As your site grows, your content can become hard to manage if you don't have a content plan for the site. Appoint an editor for the site to manage the content, ensuring that the content is up to date, and that all the links work. This is vital: broken links give a bad impression.

Get traffic to individual pages by building up the links to those pages, so that each page on your site works for you.

Author by: Angela Booth

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